Episode 64: Keeping Your Brand Consistent across Platforms with Sara Kim

Season #3

Paper florist Sara Kim shares how she makes her brand instantly recognizable on any platform and how she’s successfully transitioned her business over the years


You know branding is important, but that’s easier said than done. How do some creators make their brand instantly recognizable, even across different platforms: Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, everywhere?

Sara Kim of Handmade by Sara Kim is one of those amazing creators whose work you can identify with a glance because of her incredible branding work. In our latest episode of Paper Talk, we chatted with her about the winding journey her business has taken and how she’s kept her brand consistent through changes and across platforms. As Sara said, “It’s the little details that no one really notices.”

She had lots more to say on the subject, and you won’t want to miss out on any of her helpful advice for small business owners.

 Here’s what you’ll learn when you tune in:


  • What will make your brand instantly recognizable across platforms.

  • Ideas for interesting and unique photo backdrops.

  • How to transition your business to something new, be it a product or platform.

  • Figuring out which platform to focus on, because there’s only so much time in the day.


Sara, like many of us, discovered that running a business was about more than just her craft. She had to learn to do a host of other things, from photography to video editing and more. We’ve been there, and we loved talking with her about how she overcame those difficulties and successfully gave her business the stunning presentation it has today. Listen now to be inspired and fine-tune your brand’s style.


Learn more about Sara by following her on social media:




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